The Forest of Sphinxes
The world of Forest of Sphinxes follows that of Warriors to a degree, in that there are Clans and within those clans are familiar Rankings of Clanmates, with a common worship of their ancestors and the stars above to unite them. In a world without humans, the clans are entering the Stone Age, their articulated hands allowing for complex tools to be formed. In the fever of innovation, conflict arises, their priorities diverge, and each Clan begins to require more resources than their territory will provide. Clan rivalries have never been higher, and with ambition and competition stoking the flames, it is only a matter of time before all out war sparks to life.
Below, you will find information on the different aspects of Sphinx life, mostly centered around the Clans. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask them!
The Warrior Code
The Warrior Code is the list of laws all Clans abide by. It was created over time, with leaders proposing changes and additions to the Code as situations arose which required such revisions and additions. Below, you will find the current Code as followed by the Clans.
I. Protect Your Clan Even at the Cost of your Life.
All warriors are loyal to their Clan and their Leader, first and foremost, and every warrior is expected to lay down their life for the good of their Clan.
II. Do not Tresspass upon another Clan's Territory.
All Clan Sphinxes are expected to follow and respect the borders of their territories. A group needing to travel over another Clan's territory, such as a leader approaching Mothermouth for their nine lives, will wait at the border for a patrol, and then request to be escorted across the territory.
Guides on their way to the Moonstone are exempt from this law.
III. Weaker Clanmates are to be fed First.
Kits, Elders, and Queens, as well as sick or injured clanmates, will be fed before any Warrior, Crafter, or Apprentice takes food. The Leader and the Healers eat last, as they are sworn to serve their Clan above all else.
IV. Prey is Killed to be Eaten.
An honourable warrior does not kill prey wastefully, and should give thanks to it and StarClan for it's life. Prey is also to be treated with respect, and not to be played with, either alive or dead.
V. Kits are Apprenticed during their 12th Year .
Kits are not apprenticed before their twelfth year of life. Before this point, they are too young to understand the weight upon their shoulders, as well as physically unable to train properly.
VI. Newly-Promoted Warriors sit Silent Vigil Overnight.
This vigil gives them time to reflect upon their new role in their clan. Crafters will celebrate their promotions during the New-Moon Trade Gathering, wherein a newly-appointed Crafter will display their best work.
VII. Deputy Candidates must have Prior Experience.
Commonly, this takes the form of mentoring apprentices, so as to be sure that the Sphinx in question can handle managing and leading others.
VIII. The Deputy is Next-In-Line for Leadership.
Simply put, the Deputy becomes the Leader after the Leader dies, retires, or otherwise vacates the role.
IX. A New Deputy must be Chosen before Moonhigh.
After the promotion, death, retirement, or exile of the old deputy, a new one must be chosen before Moonhigh of the following night. This is to prevent the Clan from working without leadership, especially in times of uncertainty.
X. There is Peace during the Full Moon.
Clans are not to fight while the moon is full, as it is a night of peace. A Gathering of all four Clans is held in the Clearing of the Four Trees during this night, during which the Clans share information, gossip, and stories.
XI. Borders are to be Patrolled Daily.
All borders must be freshly marked each day, and any tresspassers are to be challenged.
XII. All Kits are to be Protected.
Regardless of Clan affiliation, no Sphinx may leave a kit in danger or pain. If a kit from one of the Clans is discovered upon another's territory, it will be returned upon the next Gathering.
XIII. Kill only when Necessary to Defend the Clan.
An honourable warrior does not kill to win their battles, and will only resort to killing when there is no other option. Likewise, an honourable warrior will acknowledge when they are beaten, as to force another warrior to kill is a disgrace upon themselves, their mentor, and their Clan.
XIV. The Word of the Leader is Code.
What the Clan Leader declares as Code is to be treated by their Clanmates as Code, unless the Leader is acting in selfishness, or outside the rest of the Code.
When a Sphinx of the Clans dies, their spirit returns to the stars, becoming part of StarClan, the ancestors to all Clan Sphinxes who watch over and guide the Clans. StarClan is not often a force visible in daily life, with only the spiritually-inclined Guides having regular contact with them, however every Clan Sphinx knows of them, and honors them by following their code.
StarClan's Guidance
StarClan offers their Guidance to the Clans, usually through Prophecies and Omens as interpreted by each Clan's Guide. However, StarClan is sworn to leave the Clans with their own free will, and as such, can not- or will not- give their descendants the answers to life's challenges. They offer guidance, and help prepare the Clans for their upcoming strife, but in the end, it is up to the living to rise to meet their enemies.
As such, Sphinxes which are in StarClan are largely unplayable, due to StarClan's power and omniscence, which is explained in further detail below.
StarClan's Power
StarClan are largely Omniscent, meaning that they are aware of all things happening in the Clan Territories, be that in the past, present, or future. StarClan does not receive this knowledge from elsewhere, as we see in the canon Warrior Cat books- their understanding is imparted upon each Sphinx when they take their place among the stars.
StarClan is, in it's totality, the spirit of the forest and all the past Sphinxes who lived there. As such, StarClan has some power over the physical world, though how much, no one can say for sure. The most common displays of StarClan's powers are weather changes and omens, as often seen during Gatherings which fall into violence.
StarClan's Role
StarClan's role in the Forest of Sphinxes roleplay is as an outside factor which may drive a plot via various signs or omens. Seeing as that is the case, players of the Roleplay may only play a StarClan sphinx in a scene after speaking with a Roleplay Moderator and explaining how the StarClan character is being used, and why.
The above rule only applies if you are playing the StarClan sphinx for an extended period; Casual mentions- such as a deceased mother standing in the back of the crowd when her kits are made Warriors- are comepletely fine.
Healers in the Sphinx Clans are roles shared by two different Sphinxes: A Doctor and a Guide. These separated ranks allow each Healer to specialize, with Doctors healing physical maladies and injuries, and Guides helping their Clanmates through their spiritual and emotional troubles. All the Clans Healers meet and travel to the Moonstone every half-moon, during which they present new apprentices, promote trained apprentices, share news, and catch up with each other.
A Doctor is a Sphinx dedicated to the physical health of the Clan. They know herbal remedies and how to heal injuries, as well as how to ease pain and assist their clanmates through times of physical strain. Each Clan can have up to three Doctors, one Head Doctor and up to two Doctors and/or Apprentices.
The daily life of a Doctor is dependant upon what troubles their clanmates bring to them, however they are expected to check in with young and elderly Sphinx on a regular basis, as well as deliver regular remedies to the clanmates who could use them. Doctors are responsible for gardening and gathering herbs, as well as taking care of their clanmates' bodies.
A Guide is a Sphinx dedicated to the spiritual health of the Clan. They are expected to be familar with all of their clanmates, and assist with trauma, emotional troubles, and spiritual questions they may have. Each Clan has up to four Guides: One Guide which focuses on listening for the voice of StarClan, and one who is more involved with their Clanmates, with one Apprentice each. However, it is rare for a Clan to have two full Guides for very long. This situation usually only occurs while an old and a new Guide are serving their Clan at the same time.
The daily life of a Guide is different depending upon if they are focused on their connection to StarClan or their clanmates. Both are, of course, able to be approached at any time by clanmates in need. Guides connected strongly to their Clan will spend their time among their clanmates, checking in with them and making sure no Sphinx feels ostracized. Guides connected more strongly to StarClan, however, tend to isolate inside their dens, seeming to space out and stare at nothing for long periods of time. However, they are still quite responsive, and, unless in the throes of a vision, will gladly assist any clanmates who need them.
With the advent of tools, each Clan has a small, but growing, group of Sphinxes who live their lives in camp, focusing on creating and inventing new tools for the Clans to use. Crafters are regarded as inventive, but a bit eccentric, not the least of which because Crafters from all the clans meet up every new moon to share new creations and trade.
Daily Life
The daily life of a Crafter is not as boring as some may assume. A fully-fledged crafter must know how to harvest materials, from obsidian or flint for knapping, to cutting branches for handles, to the proper techniques for carving wood to braiding twine. Thus, their days are largely fueled by where in their to-do list they are.
A Crafter must supply their Clan with tools for clan life, as well as put the non-edible parts of their prey to use, such as bones, feathers, and pelts. They also are responsible for gathering wood for the fire in the center of camp. Crafters may hunt, but are not expected to. They, like any clan Sphinx, will defend their clan if their camp is attacked, however they do not patrol. They will also repair or replace any broken tools their clanmates bring to them.
Tools vs. Weapons
Clan sphinxes view tools as useful, however, they abhor the idea of using crafted weapons in lieu of their natural defenses. The use of any weapon, even a small knife or an enhancement to their claws or fangs, is viewed as dishonorable, and any clan found to be using weapons would be shunned. Should a warrior be caught using weaponry to win their battles, exile is the only way the clan leader could reasonably keep their dignity.
Such exiles will be revealed at the following gathering, and any clan found to be harboring them would likely be a target of an attack, possibly by multiple clans.
Clan Ranks
Each Clan is divided into several Ranks, based mostly around age, experience, and the duties they are expected to undertake.
From the moment a Sphinx is born until they are twelve years of age, they are considered a kit. As a kit, they are expected only to grow and learn Clan customs, as well as become familiar with what rank they would like to eventually grow up into. Kits are called by an identifiable feature with the suffix "-kit". For example an exceptionally fuzzy kit might be known as "Fluffkit".
From when the sphinx is apprenticed at the age of twelve until they are considered proficient in their duties, a sphinx is considered an apprentice. Apprentices are called the Paw of their mentor. For example, the apprentice of the warrior Claws Gleaming under Moonlight (whose short name would be Gleam), would be known as the Paw of Gleam, which can be shortened to Gleampaw. Apprentices are tasked with learning from their mentor, with their duties in specific differing from Crafters to Warriors to Doctors and Guides.
A Crafter's Apprentice may be tasked with gathering simple materials, such as rocks, moss, or vines, and is often seen helping around camp with tidying up dens. Many a crafter's apprentice has a close bond with the Elders of the Clan, as they spend much time with them, helping to make their accomodations as comfortable as possible, and as such, many of the Clans' legends are kept not only by the Elders but by the Crafters as well, who in their spare time, may create art depicting various tales.
A Warrior's Apprentice is often busy learning territory borders, fighting techniques, and hunting strategies. When not in training, they are expected to help stock food, as well as help out Crafters or Healers by helping carry heavy objects or protecting them when they foray into the territory.
A Healer's Apprentice is similarly busy learning their duties, and their tasks differ based on which of the Healers they are assigned to. Doctor's Apprentices may be seen collecting herbs, delivering remedies, or helping patients as they traverse the camp. Guide's Apprentices are more often seen assisting their mentor directly, whether that be by helping calm a panicked Clanmate, offering their perspective upon a certain omen or sign, or accompanying them to the Moonstone in times of uncertainty.
Upon reaching adult age and passing their assessment, a warrior's apprentice will be given their true name, and accepted as a full member of the Clan. A warrior's true name is often long, and in casual conversation, is usually shortened to a single word or pair of words. For example, our warrior from earlier, Claws Gleaming under Moonlight, would simply be called Gleam or perhaps Gleamlight by their clanmates. A warrior's true name is chosen by themselves, usually as an apprentice, and announced to the whole clan during their warrior ceremony.
Warriors are the bulk of the clan, and are expected to keep the fresh-kill piles stocked, the borders secure, and their Clanmates safe.
Queens are the caretakers of the clan, taking on the task of caring for the Clan's young and working with the Crafters to keep their dens in top shape. The role of Queen is temporarily taken when a female warrior is nursing their kits, but some sphinxes, both male and female, choose to permanently become a Queen. Queens are considered of the same rank as any other Warrior, though due to the nature of their work, tend to retire to the elder's den later in their lives than Warriors do.
The deputy is the Sphinx that is second-in-command in a Clan. They often organize the various patrols, and advise the leader on matters of inter-Clan relations, mentorships, apprentice promotions, and more. They are expected to support the Leader publically in any of their descisions, to provide a unified front for the Clan, even if they have doubts. Deputies are also, conversely, expected to evaluate the Leader's descisions, and free their Clan from their Leader should said Leader be corrupt or inadequate.
The Leader is the spearhead of a Clan, granted nine lives by StarClan so they may lead their clanmates with courage, and protect them during times of strife. A Leader is overall a protector- the first in battle, and the last to eat in times of famine. Their nine lives make them much more expendable than their Clanmates, and a good leader will always put their Clan's health before their own well-being. A Leader's name, in the spirit of giving everything to their clan, is given up in favor of a title, unique to each Clan.
Star Wandering above Thundering Peaks - ThunderClan
Star Singing on Blistering Winds - WindClan
Star Shining through Creeping Shadows - ShadowClan
Star Rippling across Still Waters - RiverClan
Warrior Life
A generalized overview of the life of an average warrior.
Naming Conventions
Info on how sphinxes are named, both in and out of the clans.
Territories and Borders
Info on the territories and surrounding land.
Info on full-moon clan gatherings, new-moon crafter trading, and half-moon healer communes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Commonly asked questions and typical points of confusion.